System is Linux fatman 2.6.35-32-generic #67-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 5 19:35:26 UTC 2012 i686 Start time is Thu Oct 10 17:04:27 2013 Got 1 CLI options: --desc_procs ** Available processes (without Dump suffix): addLink Add a link between two nodes, selecting the pair with a link selector. grow Adds a single node to the network (assuming -maxSize hasn't been exceeded) and conects it to the existing nodes with the specified node selector. linkNodes Add a link between two nodes, selecting each node with two node selectors. redim Redimensions all links in the network. remLink Remove a link from the network, selecting it with a link selector. ** Available processes (with Dump suffix): adjLDump Prints the adjacency list of the topology degDistDump Prints the frequency distribution of node degrees of the topology distDistDump Prints the frequency distribution of distances between all node pairs. distancesDump Prints a matrix of distances between all pairs in the topology. eigenvalDump Prints the sorted eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of the topology pajekDump Output the topology to a Pajek file. routesDump Prints the routes between every node pair. topStatDump Prints various topology statistics, including: number of nodes, number of links, the number of nodes that are connected to themselves (self-loops), whether the topology is partitioned, and what fraction of node pairs are connected. weightDistDump Prints the frequency distribution of the link weights. weightsDump Prints the weights matrix (the weight of each link). ** Available dimensioners: const Sets the link to the constant value specified. nroutes Sets the link to a function of the number of routes (routes, not load) that traverse it. ** Available node selectors: D Select a node based on its out-degree. EP Selects a second node preferring those with a higher value of alpha*geographic_distance_between_nodes_in_pair^beta. EW Selects a second node preferring those with a higher Waxman probability i.e. alpha * exp(-geographic_distance_between_nodes_in_pair/beta). R Select a node based at random with a uniform porbability. RPN Select a node preferring nodes with a higher number of routes that ingress and egress the node. Can also consider transit only routes. node Selects the node specified as an argument. prev Selects a node from a previous operation. ** Available link selectors: degree Selects a link or node-pair based on the degree of the nodes. geoabs Selects the link or node-pair which has the highest, or lowest absolute value for geographic/euclidean distance between them. geopow Selects a link or node-pair preferring those with a higher value of alpha*geographic_distance_between_nodes_in_pair^beta. geowax Selects a link or node-pair preferring those with a higher Waxman probability i.e. alpha * exp(-geographic_distance_between_nodes_in_pair/beta). random Selects a link or node-pair at random, with a uniform probability distribution. rpl Selects a link, preferring with a higher value of rpl^exp, where rpl is the number of routes passing across the link (routes, not load, so equivalent to a full mesh of unity load). wt Selects a link based on its weight. End time is Thu Oct 10 17:04:27 2013